Optimize and accelerate support processes

Unlock the full potential of your support teams with automation and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of your operations.


Optimize support processes with automated request allocation

Automatically assign incoming service requests to the appropriate help desk based on the type of request, urgency, and the skills and availability of agents to ensure the most qualified team handles them in a timely manner.

Optimize the support processes and increase the scalability of the help desks with automated ticket assignments. Ensure that all support requests are distributed to agents according to their abilities, availability, and workload so that all tickets are resolved promptly.

Provide the best possible service for users and customers with automated escalation of requests. Define different criteria for tickets to escalate based on the user who creates the request, SLAs or any other condition.

Create an automation based on changes in different indicators of service level agreements. Send notifications, add watchers and change the priority of requests according to the percentage of compliance with the agreements.


Embrace our no-code tailored automations

Automate multiple actions using a powerful automation configuration engine based on conditions. Free agents from manual tasks, allowing your operation to scale and become more efficient.

Service Desk revolutionizes how you handle operations by simplifying the process of automating tasks. Without programming skills or advanced expertise, anyone can effortlessly set up automation by establishing events, conditions, and parameters. Upgrade your operations and take your service desk to next levels of efficiency and effectiveness.

Authentication and Directory

Workflows that solve whatever you need

For more complex needs, Service Desk incorporates automated actions within the different workflows created in the tool. This could be any action where the need to minimize manual and repetitive tasks is required, such as requesting approvals, creating task lists and information forms or sending emails and notifications.

Knowledge Management

Boost agent efficiency with automated article suggestions

Automatically suggest relevant knowledge base articles to support teams when working on a request, so they can quickly find the answers they need.

Automatically provide end-users with content relevant to their requests so they can find the answers to their questions without the need for agents to intervene.

Benefits of Automation

Improve efficiency

Increase Consistency

Prioritize Better

Increase Scalability

Reduce manual effort, streamline workflows and increase the speed and accuracy of routine tasks.

Automated processes help ensure consistent execution, reducing potential errors and increasing the reliability of results.

Thanks to InvGate Service Desk automated prioritization helps ensure that the most critical tasks are addressed first, reducing response times and improving customer satisfaction.

Automated processes can handle a larger volume of requests, encouraging the help desks to scale in order to meet growing demands. This enables organizations to provide a better service to customers, as their needs evolve.

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