Streamline IT asset management with automations

Speed up your processes, reduce errors, and increase team productivity with InvGate Insight’s powerful automation capabilities for IT asset management.

Avoid time-consuming manual tasks

Design your automations to instantly trigger different tasks that otherwise would have to be done manually. Integrate it with your Service Desk to also generate tickets for your support teams.

Software Licenses
Assign licenses automatically

Improve license utilization by assigning and unassigning licenses automatically based on devices and license purchases.

Identify devices that require your attention

Monitor the health of your devices based on criteria such as antivirus, software updates, and warranty expiration.

Smart Tags
Generate smart tags

Reduce equipment downtime through better management and planning through smart tags. Define key dimensions and properties to automatically identify assets, unauthorized moves, or changes.

Service Desk
Streamline your processes by updating assets automatically

Configure your Service Desk workflows to update asset’s status, owner or location automatically. Set alarms and send automatic email notifications to task owners and stakeholders.

Simplify your IT ecosystem with InvGate Insight

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