Automated IT Asset Discovery Tool

Discover workstations, servers, appliances, mobile devices, cloud assets, and IoT devices on your network without installing an agent. Find known and new devices across each of your subnets and networks.

IT Asset Discovery
Create a full asset inventory

Automatically discover unmanaged endpoints and identify them as assets. InvGate Insight provides your company with a detailed analysis of its infrastructure.

Network Scanning
Discover, scan, and centralize asset data

An IT asset discovery tool scans your network to find assets on-premises and in cloud environments to gain visibility and control of managed and unmanaged endpoints.

External Discovery Sources
Integrate Cloud and MDM data sources

Import and synchronize information from AWS and Azure instances, virtual machines, Chromebooks, and mobile devices. Access detailed information on costs, and monthly expenses on a centralized dashboard.

Ignore Devices
Add or exclude devices

Select which devices you actually want to add to your network and exclude those that don’t hold value. You can always go back to the list of ignored devices, and turn them into assets.

Keep your network secure from threats

Identify rogue devices connected to your network that could be a security threat to your organization and maintain IT security compliance. Seek out unpatched devices and out-of-date software to take protective action.

Benefits of Network Discovery and Inventory

A thorough understanding of your IT estate enables you to make informed IT decisions, reduce unnecessary purchases, maximize the use of your budget, and effectively manage your investments while still delivering the IT services your business wants and needs.

Better cost management and decision making

Improved IT Support Capabilities and Operations

Better Risk Management

Improved Governance and Compliance

InvGate Insight Network Discovery and Inventory provide you with greater insight into how many IT assets are being employed, how they are being employed, and how to employ them better. Save money by redeploying underutilized assets to prevent the need for new expenditure.

Provide the service desk and other IT operations people with asset-related information when they need it. Support ITIL best practice processes such as incident, problem, change, demand, and capacity management through data that will speed up decisions and improve the quality of outcomes.

Support your entire IT asset lifecycle, from asset procurement through to decommissioning/disposal. Use the asset data and inventory repository features to support key internal controls at various stages of the asset lifecycle. Ensure that business operations and reputation, and employee and customer health and data, are not put at risk.

Help your organization ensure that corporate and industry governance requirements relate. Increase the efficiency of your organization and lower the overall cost of compliance.

Simplify your IT ecosystem with InvGate Insight

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